A basic onsite camping area is provided. Please note – this is not a fully equipped camp-site. There will be chemical toilets on the camping area. However you will also have access to the centre’s toilets – with hot and cold running water and proper flush toilets; these are about 100m from the camping area.
On the camping area itself – there will be access to cold water. There are no showers.
The camping area is very close to the centre and is on a slight slope and is surrounded by trees.
The charge is per tent/caravan.
There are plenty of accommodation options within walking distance in Helmsley. There is also a proper camp site a couple of miles away called Golden Square.
All camping has to be pre-booked. You may be able to pay on the day – but you must MUST pay before setting up camp. In 2024 the camp site was full to capacity – so latecomers may end up being turned away